Find local businesses on the The Green & Gold Mildura Phonebook listings by toggling between a list-view and map-view, click-to-call a business, browse businesses websites, and find enhanced information on business profile pages. On The Green & Gold Mildura Phonebook app you can also search for business types closest to you using GPS.
•One application that allows you to search for any businesses or categories for Mildura and surrounds
•Use The Green & Gold Mildura App for GPS (where available) to find listings close to you, and view them on the map
•Quick Find Shortcut Screen to search popular categories
•View detailed information on a business; this may include: addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, website URL’s, hours of operation, services, products, specialties, videos, photo montages and display ads (where available)
•Instantly save any listing to your contacts or share the information by Facebook, Twitter, Email or SMS.
Any information you require to find the business you are looking for is on The Green & Gold Mildura Phonebook app.